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Please help support the Alpena Symphony Orchestra (ASO) in the Alpena area by becoming an official donor to the ASO.

You can become a Friend ($25 - $99), a Patron ($100 - $249), a Benefactor ($250 - $499) or an Angel ($500 - $999), or a Sponsor ($1,000 or more), by sending your check payable to the Alpena Symphony Orchestra to Alpena Symphony Orchestra, PO Box 43 Alpena, MI  49707. Your contribution will help to purchase music, facility rental, mileage for out of town players, other operating costs and equipment.   Thank you!


The Alpena Symphony Orchestra, Inc. is incorporated in the State of Michigan as a non-profit corporation.  In addition 501 (c) 3 status has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service.  Therefore, all donations are tax deductible.

You can donate by submitting a donation form by mail (click on the button below to download donation form). 

Or contact us by E-mail at:

Or message us on Facebook @AlpenaSymphonyOrchestra

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